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West Lothian Construction Forum

With approximately 645 companies with 6,000 employees based in the region, Construction is a key sector within West Lothian. 

Although activity remains high in the area, our local construction businesses are not immune to the challenges facing the industry as a whole throughout the UK, including difficulty recruiting and rising costs.  

To help overcome this, the West Lothian Construction Forum was formed. The aim of the forum is to improve collaboration across the sector, encourage school leavers to join the industry, improve training and skills, increase supply chain opportunities, and support sustainability & environmental goals. The Forum meets on a monthly basis to discuss these issues, and consists of members from West Lothian Council, Business Gateway, Skills Development Scotland, West Lothian College, and most importantly, local business owners within the Construction industry. 

Why Join? 

We are currently looking for more local business owners to join the forum and share their expertise. There are many reasons to join, including: 

  • Have Your Say – this is an opportunity for you to have your say on the current state of the construction industry and provide valuable feedback to help shape the future of the industry 
  • Connect with Other Businesses – joining the Forum will give you the opportunity to connect with likeminded business owners that are facing the same challenges and are also committed to helping the industry grow 
  • Access Expert Support – the members of the Forum have a diverse range of skills and knowledge that they are keen to share with fellow members. For example, the Business Gateway team can provide valuable funding advice, and the West Lothian College representatives can help with recruiting new employees 

Learn More 

To learn more about the Construction Forum, please contact Brenda Cumming via . 

Jamie Taylor, Chair of the Construction Forum

The Construction Forum is chaired by Jamie Taylor, Managing Director of Taylor Roofs. The West Lothian-based business offers specialist roofing services across Central Scotland, including Edinburgh, Glasgow and the Lothians.  

You can learn more about Taylor Roofs and the services they offer below: 

Taylor Talks Trades

Hosted by Jamie Taylor, Taylor Talks Trades is podcast for the construction industry. During each episode, Jamie chats with a new guest about their journey and the latest news within the industry. Tune in for some great conversations and valuable advice!

West Lothian's Construction Sector

Construction has been identified as one of the key sectors within West Lothian, with many iconic businesses choosing the area as their base.  

Click below to learn more about the sector:

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